Visa's Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR)
Why do I need Rapid Dispute Resolution?
Visa and Verifi have combined capabilities to bring us Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR), a fully automated chargeback dispute resolution solution. Disputes are directed through the RDR decision engine for automatic resolution, resulting in an automatic refund or cancellation for the customer. RDR helps merchants reduce chargebacks and save in operating costs by resolving disputes with consumers before they become chargebacks, all without lifting a finger.

Why choose MidMetrics™?
By combining RDR with MidMetrics™ signature chargeback analytics dashboards, merchants can employ a powerful chargeback dispute resolution system and see the impact in real-time. Merchants can now get real-time RDRs, chargeback prevention alerts, representments, and analytics together in one platform. Let our team of experts help you optimize RDR to get the best results.
Key features of MidMetrics™
Optimized RDR
All-in-one platform
Deep analytics & insights
Actionable reports
Custom parameters
Visa-specific prevention
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR)?
Rapid Dispute Resolution is a tool from Verifi and Visa that allows merchants to set rules and parameters for automatically resolving payment disputes without allowing them to become chargebacks.